Along with this form we will require Plans, Sections and Elevations in pdf format. These can be emailed to the above email address.

Please take your time to complete this form in as much detail as possible. Providing more information in this form will make your SAP calculation(s) even more accurate and help achieve the required targets.

If details are provided on the drawings use the notes boxes provided in the sections and simply note 'See Drawings/Specification'.

We use recognised construction details to help your properties achieve targets. If your construction is not listed please be aware that you may need Psi-Value calculations carrying out. These will only be recommended if the property struggles to achieve minimum Building Regulations Targets.

Required fields *

Site Details


If there are any planning or EPC requirements for this site please provide details of the requirements below.

Your Details


* If we are not invoicing you direct we will need a direct instruction, contact name, telephone number and email address from the party responsible for paying our fee.

External Walls


Insulation Thickness




If there are additional roof types please provide details below.

Heat Loss Floors







If a lighting design is not available please detail below number of light fittings. We will then use the minimum efficacy of 75 lm/W for these fittings.

If you know what light bulbs are being used please forward a schedule of bulbs detailing the power (W), capacity (lm) and quantity being installed or provide a detailed lighting design.

Heating and Hot Water



Other General Notes