Air Leakage Testing

Get Ready for your Air Leakage Test

You will need an Air Leakage Test to comply with new build dwelling or new build commercial properties Approved Document Part L requirements. 

The Air Leakage Test will have two goals to meet. The first is the minimum Part L 'backstop' requirements, however it is more than likely that the main target will be determined by your energy assessor and shown on your SAP or SBEM calculation.

Crowther Solutions Ltd use ATTMA or iATS Air Leakage testers to undertake testing to ATTMA TS1 and TSL1 and TSL2 for the Air Leakage Testing of residential and commercial properties. These results can be fed into your energy assessment for the as built EPC and compliance reports.

Check that you are ready for testing and Permanently seal up air leakage paths with suitable material.

We know how important it is to pass the air tightness testing. To help we have put together the checklist below. 

Pre-test checklist:

  • Window and doors fitted and can be closed
  • Air tight draught strips fitted and frames sealed to walls
  • Seal skirting boards to floors (especially important on timber frame and houses with plasterboard with dot and dab)
  • Seal around service penetrations (incoming and outgoing pipes and cables)
  • Seal around hidden services (behind kitchens, sinks, toilets, bath panels, cupboards etc.)
  • Continuous line at top and bottom of dot and dab plasterboard
  • Air tight light fittings and plug socket (or acquitted gaskets)
  • Good quality air tight loft hatch

Blockwork is not Air Tight!

It is important that plasterboard on dot and dab is sealed with a continuous line of adhesive at the top, bottom, corners and around plug sockets and service penetrations.

Air Leakage Guidance

Having over 10 years experience with domestic and non domestic Air Leakage Testing we are able to provide invaluable guidance to help you meet your targets. This can be verbally provided, written report, over marked drawings or pre-site testing.

We include the following:

  • Site visit (minimum charge shown separately on your quote)
  • Air Leakage Testing including Air Leakage Test Certificate
    • This test is carried out on site and people will not be able to enter or exit the property. Make sure that you comply with the test requirements and contact us if you have any questions relating to the test or preparation.
    • The results are used for compliance with Building Regulations Part L and should be provided to your energy assessor and Building Control officer.
    • Should the property fail to achieve the required results to meet ATTMA TSL1 standards a report may be issued in place of the final ATTMA or iATS certificate.

It takes up to 45 minutes per plot (not including setting up and moving between plots). This is generally adequate time to carry out the test and look for potential leakage issues. It is sometimes worth spending more time in one plot to pass the test than failing multiple plots with no idea what to do next.

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